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  Enlightenment: The Only Revolution

Enlightenment: The Only Revolution

by Osho

  Price : Rs 665.00
  Your Price : Rs 665.00
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  Osho talks on the famous dialogue between the ancient Indian mystic Ashtavakra and King Janek. By the end of the dialogue, King Janak is enlightened.

“Man has many scriptures, but none are comparable to the Gita of Ashtavakra. Before it the Vedas pale, the Upanishads are a mere whisper. Even the Bhagavadgita does not have the majesty found in the Ashtavakra Samhita – it is simply unparalleled.

The most important thing is that neither society, nor politics, nor any other institution of human life had any influence on the statements of Ashtavakra. There are no other statements anywhere that are so pure, transcendental, and beyond time and space.”

Pages : 416
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