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  New Diagnostics In Crop Science & Technology

New Diagnostics In Crop Science & Technology

by Skerritt, J. H.

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1500.00
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  This book describes the theory and practical aspects of anumber of "siagnostic " techniques that have evolved over recent years to assess vaiety, yield, quality and stress by pathogens or environment pre and post harvesting of crops. Useful diagnostic methods can be based on gene probes, physical methods based on spectroscopy or by simaplifying and refning long established enzymological approaches. A systems approach is taken, leading from diagnostic methods for the wbole plant and its soil enviornment, to the chromosome, gene and molecular protein levels. Aspects of harvested crop quality and purity can also be rapidly assessed by physical or chemical diagnostic methods. Some of the diagnostic methods will remain for the foreseeable future as being suited only to limited number of well equipped laboratories, others can have immediatae aplication, possibly in the form of test kits in the field. Some progeress and constraints in making diagnostic methods widely availble either commercually or through research collaborations are discussed. Authors from Europe, North America and Australia Asia their expertise on and extiting variety of echnologies which will take plant agriculture into the next crnture. CONTENTS : An overview of the development and application of diagnostic miethods in crop sciences * Varietal dentification of crop plants. * Menoclonal antibody technology * Antibody preobes in cereal breeeding for quality and disease resistance * The interface between RFLP techniques,DNAamplification and plant breeding * Nucleic acid techniques in testing for seed borne diseases * Fungal immunodiagnostics in plant agriculture* Antibody approaches to plant viral diagnostics * Nucleic acid based approaches to plant virus and viroid diagnostic * Plant toxin diagnositcs applications in monitoring safety of human and animal plantas fooofs * Diganostics for plant agrochemicals - a meeting of chemistry and immunoassay * Simple assays for polysaccharide -degradomg enzymes in plants using chromogenic sub-strates * Lsozyme variation and analysis in agriculturally-important plants * The use of crarbon isotope discrimination analysis in plants improvemnet. 1995 ( H B)

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