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  ASP.NET Cookbook

Asp.Net Cookbook

by Michael A. Kittel,Geoffrey T. Leblond

  Price : Rs 700.00
  Your Price : Rs 595.00
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  Developers who want to create dynamic, datadriven web sites running on Microsoft web servers have long relied on Active Server Pages (ASP). ASP.NET is Microsoft`s latest evolution of ASP. While ASP.NET has a lot in common with its predecessor, this new technology takes advantage of objectoriented programming to dramatically improve developer productivity and convenience. Using the .NET Framework and Microsoft`s new objectoriented languages, ASP.NET brings the same rapid draganddrop productivity to web applications that the Visual Basic programming language brought to Windows applications. ASP.NET also introduces web services, which allow developers to expose the functionality of an application via HTTP and XML, so that clients on any platform can access it via the Internet. ASP.NET is not a simple upgrade of ASP. It s a quantum leap ahead. There are many benefits to using ASP.NET, and one major drawback: the time developers must devote to mastering this new Web application technology. The ASP.NET Cookbook provides a wealth of plugandplay solutions to problems commonly encountered when developing ASP.NET web applications and services in the popular problemsolutiondiscussion Cookbook format. The coding solutions in ASP.NET Cookbook appeal to a wide range of developers, from the inexperienced to the expert. For every problem addressed in the book, there`s a workedout solution or recipe a short, focused piece of code that web developers can insert directly into their applications. Developers can save hours by using just a single one of over 100 recipes included in this invaluable cookbook. But the ASP.NET Cookbook provides far more than just a wide range of cutandpaste code solutions. Each recipe is followed by a discussion including tips, tricks, and possible pitfallsso developers can learn to adapt the problemsolving techniques to a myriad of similar situations. Each recipe provides an immediate solution to a pressing problem, while simultaneously allowing developers who prefer to a handson learning style with the experience they need to master ASP.NET. This ultimate ASP.NET code sourcebook will quickly earn the dogeared corners and coffee rings that mark a web developer`s most valued resource.

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