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  Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell

Java Foundation Classes In A Nutshell

by David Flanagan

  Price : Rs 305.00
  Your Price : Rs 259.25
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  Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell is an indispensable quick reference for Java programmers who are writing applications that use graphics or graphical user interfaces. The author of the bestselling Java in a Nutshell has written fastpaced introductions to the Java APIs that comprise the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), such as the Swing GUI components and Java 2D, so that you can start using these exciting new technologies right away. This book also includes O`Reilly`s classicstyle, quickreference material for all of the classes in the javax.swing and java.awt packages and their numerous subpackages. This reference material covers all of the new JFC classes in the Java 2 platform, as well as the existing Java 1.1 AWT classes. Once you`ve learned about the JFC, you`ll keep this book next to your keyboard for handy reference while you program. Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell contains the following:An overview of the architecture of graphical user interfaces built with both the new Swing API and the older AWT An introduction to the important components and application services provided by the Swing API An comprehensive explanation of the features of the new Java 2D graphics API A complete quick reference for the graphics and GUIrelated classes in the Java 2 platform This book is part of the twovolume set of quick references that every Java programmer needs. It is an essential companion to Java in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition, which covers the key nongraphical APIs in Java 1.2. A third volume, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, focuses on the Java Enterprise APIs and is of interest to programmers working on serverside or enterprise Java applications.About the Author David Flanagan is a computer programmer who spends most of his time writing about JavaScript and Java. His books with O`Reilly include Java in a Nutshell, Java Examples in a Nutshell, Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, and JavaScript Pocket Reference. David has a degree in computer science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He lives with his wife and son in the U.S. Pacific Northwest bewteen the cities of Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia. David has a simple website at http://www.davidflanagan.com.

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