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  A C# Application from Inspiration to Implementation

A C# Application From Inspiration To Implementation

by Kyle Dunn

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  This book will guide you through the process of writing a Windows Form desktop application in C#. We will start with just an idea and end up with a complete application ready for installation on the end user`s computer. We`ll cover the entire process of desktop software construction from design to delivery in a single, complete Windows Form application. The stepbystep design method will lead to building the application using Visual Studio. NET. The code will be examined as we piece together the user interface, database, reports, help system, testing, and deployment. We???ll work with the Visual Studio .NET Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to produce code, and at the same time explore the gap between the code it generates and the C# code you need to write. This will give you the knowledge base to build many great software programs.There have been reports of some printing errors with this book if your copy has these problems, you can find PDF versions of the effected chapters, Chapters 5 and 6, from the Code Download page.What is great about this book?You`ve probably read introductory books on C# and .NET, where you learn the basics of the language syntax, and how to use it to program the .NET Framework. What these books don`t show you is how it all fits together to form a complete application, and more than that, they don`t show you to how to go from the initial inspiration, work with clients to produce an design specification for the application that meets the clients needs, and then produce a professional, readytodistribute application. Well, this book fills that gap, and takes you on the journey from inspiration to implementation.Who is this book for?This book is for people who:Understand the basics of C# programmingHave not built a full application before, and want to see how all it all fits together, and have access to Visual Studio .NET

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