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  Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches

Building Sans With Brocade Fabric Switches

by Chris Beauchamp,Josh Judd,Benjamin Kuo

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 340.00
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  Brocade is proud to partner with Syngress Publishing to bring you Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches , the first book written by Brocade engineers and published by Syngress. This book begins to detail the design, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of Brocadebased SANs.Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches is written for system administrators who are designing, building, and maintaining SANs with Brocade switches. The book begins with a detailed analysis of the benefits of implementing a SAN and an examination of the hardware requirements.From there, the reader is introduced to the Brocade SilkWorm series of Fibre Channel switches, including guidelines for connecting the various switches with other components of the SAN. In addition, the book describes the techniques necessary for integrating SANs into existing IT environments. The book concludes with examples of realworld SAN designs and applications that are successfully being used by companies around the globe today.

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