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  The Gwalior of Scindia`s

The Gwalior Of Scindia`S

by Jwd Johnstone

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 739.35
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  ISBN 81-88817-08-2 The book was originally published as Gwalior 1905, as it was a narrative of the official visit of their Royal Highness the prince and princess of Wales to Gwalior in the year 1905. The book was written at the request of his highness the Maharaja Scindia who was desirous of placing on record some detail an event unique in his experience and abounding in pleasant memories. The title of book was changed , because it is just not a study of a visit of their royal HIghness the prince and princess of Wales but the study in depth aboput the historical Gwalior and the pride of palace of Scindia`s who ruled it for centuries. It also gives us the idea of the life of the people, their culture, their crafts and their arts during that period and influence of Scindia`s. Till today Gwalior and Scindia`s are synonyms.

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