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  Five Principal Upanisads Isavasyopanisad Mundakopanisad Kenopanisad Kathopanisad Taittiriyopanisad

Five Principal Upanisads Isavasyopanisad Mundakopanisad Kenopanisad Kathopanisad Taittiriyopanisad

by By Acharya Narasimha

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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  Civilized world is aware that the great Indian Philosophical tradition is contained in the scriptures known as Upanisads. Upanisads, occuring in the Vedas, record the difinitive conclusions of the Vedic seers. these are perceived as the "Veda Sira"- the very content-essence of Vedas. The variety of idiom and phraseologty, the didactic exuberance, the amplitude of vision, is mind-boggling, considering their anciency, when the civilisation of mankind elsewhere presented a picture of utter barbarity and ignorance. The present work underlines the comprehensive and integrated approach, besed on several schools of thought, the foremost being the writing of Bhagwan shri Ramanujacarya, his monumental work `Sri Bghasyamm` in particular. This work incorporating the Isavasya, Mundaka, Kena, Katha and Taittitiya Upanisads catches the spirit of Vedic philosophy. The English exposition is marked by clarity of expression and atuhoritatively crafted with copious annotations of severl ancient works. It would be of immense help for understanding the great message of Vedas by the dedicated reader and is a valuable contribution to the English literature. AZcarya Narasimha, the author of this work, belongs to an illustrious family of scholars in the ancient systems of Hindu philosophy. He had been studying various schools of thought over a long period. Though the writings of several scholars of repute, were unique in their way, he felt that they do not present an integrated approach compatible with the sum total of Vedic scriptures, and presented different conclusions on preconceived theories. ISBN: 81-85504-38-5

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