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  Hydrology And The Management Of Watersheds. 2nd Edn.

Hydrology And The Management Of Watersheds. 2Nd Edn.

by Brooks K. N.

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 795.00
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  With the reeemergence of watershed management as a popular, viable, and integral component of natural resource programs, there is an increased emphasis on the science of hydrology and on understanding the consequences of human use of natural resources on the watershed processes. Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds, Second Edition, Provides fundamental information and practical methodology necessary to solve hydrologic problems on watersheds. It also gives the reader basic information needed to understand and develop watershed management programs. This newly revised and updated edition inculdes a new part with topics on hydrologic methods and tools for watershed analysis and research. There is also additional emphasis in the following areas: * the role and imporatance of riparian and wetland systems in natural resource management * the comulative effects of human activities in watersheds. * the dynamics and management of stream channels * the role of policy and institutions in achieving more sutainable resource use. CONTENS : Introduction. Part I : hydrologic processes and land use. Precipitation and interception. Evapotranspiration and soil water storage. Infiltration, runoff,and streamflow. Groundwater. Vegetarion management, water yield and streamflow pattern. Part 2 : Erosion, sediment yield and channel processes, water quality and land use. Surface erosion, and control of erosion on upland watershed. gully erosion, soil mass movement, and sand dunes. Sedimentary yiels, channel processes, and stream classification. Water quality. Watershed management and planning. Part 3 : Watershed management and planning. Watershed management and the multiple -use concept. A policy prespective for watershed management. Planning watershed management. Part 4 : special topics. Snow hydrology. Riparian and Wetland systems. Watershed considerations for engineering applications. Watershed harvesting. Part 5 : hydrologic mathods and tools for watershed analysis and research. Hydrologic methods. Tools for watershed analysis and research. 1998 ( H. B)

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