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  Principles In Weed Management 2nd Edn.

Principles In Weed Management 2Nd Edn.

by Aldrich R. J.

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 795.00
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  Once all we thought we had to know about a weed was how to kill it. Prinicples in Weed Management is the first book to combine principles of weed control and weed prevention to answer the basic questions that responsible weed management presents. * Why do we have weeds? * Why do we have the ones we do? * What is the nature of competition? * What ared the links between weeds and cultural practices. * Can we predict future weed problems? With an eye to long-trem solutions, Richard J. Aldrich and Robert J. Kremer emphasize the nature and properites of wees in realtion to desired plants, from their methods of reproduction and adaptation to their reponses to herbicides and various culturel practices, Recognizing the place of weeds within a dynamic ecosystem, their approach promotes improvements in crop management and plant production whitout consequent harm to the environment. CONTENTS : Intoduction- Competitiveness of weeds. Ecological relationships and concepts. Reproduction froom seed. Reproduction from vegetative parts. Resumption of growth Nature of weed competition. Allelopathy in weed managaement. Biotic agents in weed management. Herbicide use. Herbicide entry and transport. Preventing weed emergence with herbicides. Minimizing competition from emerged weeds with herbicides. Production practices affect weeds. A total weed management system. 1998 ( H B )

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