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  Molecular Biology & Biotechnology 4th Edn.

Molecular Biology & Biotechnology 4Th Edn.

by Walkar J. M.

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 495.00
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  Highlights of the 3rd edn. include increased coverage of the cloning of yeast and animal cells, plant genetic engineering, and new coverage of polymerase chain reaction, DNA fingerprinting, transgenesis and vaccine development, reflecting the rapid growth of intrest in these areas. The book presents the information in an easuly assimilated form and makes an ideal undergraduate text. It will be of particular intrest to students of biology and chemistry, as well as to scientific workers from outside the field who need a rapid introduction to the subject. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology primarly has a teachnig function and as such should prove invaluable. * Contents : Fermentation technology. An introduction to recombinant DNA technology. the polymerase chain reaction. The expression of foreign DNA in bacteria. Yeast cloning and biotechnology. Cloning genes in mammalian cell-lines. Plant biotechnology. Molecular biology in the pharmaceutical industry. The current impact of recombinant DNA technolgy in the food industry. DNA profilng in forensic science. Molecular diagnosis of inherited disease. Vaccination and gene manipulaion. Transganesis. Enzyme engineering. Stabiligy of enzymes and cells. Immobilized biocatalysts. Doenstream processing : Protein extraction and purification. Monoclonal antibodies. Biosensors. 2002 P.B.

Pages :
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