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  Encyclopaedic Dictionary Of Hinduism: Its mythology, religion, literature and pantheon

Encyclopaedic Dictionary Of Hinduism: Its Mythology, Religion, Literature And Pantheon

by Kapoor, S. Ed.

  Price : Rs 1950.00
  Your Price : Rs 1657.50
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  The main object of the present work was to fill the ever-growing demand for a comprehensive HINDU DICTIONARY which covers the entire spectrum of hinduism. It contains an account of all the major and minor hindu deities, all the mythical personages and objects including mythical beings, gods and goddesses, their vehicals ( vahans). The various forms of Brahmanical and Buddhist theology and ritual, and of all the types of schools of indian philosophy including the various systems of thought propounded by sages and saints, will be found briefly explained. The detailed articles concerning these entries are to be found in the main work title THE HINDUS. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HINDUISM. The dictionary also covers all the possible authentic information concerning ancient indiang eography ( especially religious and sacred geography), its history and antiquity as can be obtained. For the reason that Hindus attach great importance to the genealogies from the ancient india, the present work contains almost every name occurring in the ancient books. As the hindu mythology and its religion are bound up inseperably, bothe these areas are therefore amply represented in the present work. Als included are condenced descriptions about the most frequently mentioned literary works in sanskrit or of ancient and classical hindu world. The dictionary is an indepensable tool for any attempt at studying the hindus, their history, traditions, culture, religion and literature. Size 29 32 cm. Set alphabetically in double column. Pages 8+487. Largest ever hindu glossary and hindu lexicon appended. Cross references, august 2000. Hard bound. ISBN 81-7755-036-5

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