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  The Prophet, Life Of Muhammad, 2 Volumes

The Prophet, Life Of Muhammad, 2 Volumes

by W. M. Shaikh

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 807.50
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  It was somewhere in the year 610 A.D. When he was forty years old, the prophet of islam had an experience that shattered his peaceful existence and changed the lives of millions of people, first in arabia and then all over the world. On the eventful day when the prophet had gone to a cave in mecca called hira for his meditations and supplications to god, a voice thundered in the air and asked him to read in the name of thy lord, who created man of a blood-clot. And thy lord is the most generous who taught by the pen, taught man, that he knew not. Then the voice rang again, saying : o` muhammad, you are the apostle of god and iam gabriel. But muhammad did not assume his role all at once because for alont time he received no further messages. But then come another revleation which asked him`rise and warn` the people. The biography written by ibn in unavailable now to the modern world but the first and foremost, and then on the original ographers mentioned. This book is thus unique in that sense. PP 8+654. Size 14 * 22 cm. ISBN 8-7020-171-7

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