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  International Encyclopaedia Of Non Violence:  5 Volume

International Encyclopaedia Of Non Violence: 5 Volume

by S. R. Sharma

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  Mahatma Gandhi often used to say that human destiy has constantly been on the move twoards nonviolence. This view has been challenged by many on the basis of the contention that even after a long period of Gandhi`s experiments with nonviolence, the world society is currently witnessing an ever more serious phase of human history in which more wars have taken place, new forms of conflict have emerged, civil wars are rampant, human rights are violates, are human poverty is on the increzase. This indeed in a correct5 description of thje current phase of human history. However, what is also true is the fact that conditions are developing in which there is one the one hand an awareness of the need for removing the root causes of violence and, on the other, a growing revulsion, through not so manifest, against violence. An important point about this awareness of the need for removing the root causes of violence is that touches the whole global society, in aus much as its concern is for all the problems of all people. One way to look at the question fo the movement of world history towards nonviolence therefore is to recognize the significance of the innumerable grassroot movements going on in diffeent parts of the world. These movements are essentially ih the nature of a demand for justice in all segments of life ( social, poloitical and economic ) and for ending exploitation o f all kinds which is the essence of violence. The essays contained in this pioneering encyclopaedia are inspired b y a commitment to this very new vision. Each contributor has brought rich insight to bear on his or her analysis based on paindstaking research and practical experience gained in the field. The fact that the contributors are drawn from countries from all parts of the world indicates that nonviolence has now became a global concern. A well integrated mixture of theoretical analysis and case studies from different countries, the encyclopaedia examines nonviolent direct action, political ation, economic sanctions, and social movements as alternative remedis in the struggle for better life. The international encyclopaedia of nonviolence is a ompilation of a collection of essays designed to encourage readers to think differntly about the world and the perspect for peace. Based on vigorous scholarly work, these essays arranged around five major themes nevertheless have been written to make important points succintly, and as much as in a simple language. The bundles of essays-fresh, timely, diverse and conversial-are sure to provoke meaningful discussion are debate among the scholars of the world. The international encyclopaedia of nonviolence is the first such reference work bringing together contributors from all over the world and provide a thorough insight into the underlined concepts of nonviolence. It is only appropriate that first such reference publication on nonviolenceis published from india, especially at the close of millennium when the apostle of peace and nonviolence Mahtma Gandhi has been recognised by the world community as the "person of the century". February 2000. Set of 5 volumes, pp 2000, bibliography, size 22 * 14 cm., cloth binding, ISBN 81-7755-021-7.

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