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  International Encyclopaedia Of Education

International Encyclopaedia Of Education

by P. Munore

  Price : Rs 22000.00
  Your Price : Rs 18700.00
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  The INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF EDUCATION is the result of the cooperative efforts of several hundred specialists, who have here contributed the results of their study to the systemarization of educational ideas and practices. That no such vastly comprehensive and complete encyclopaedia has ever appeared is the justificatoin for this project. This work represents the prdocut of long investigation on the part of most of the contributors, and is the immediate outcome of several years of special efforts on the part of the editors. Three conditions indicate clearly the need of such a work. First-the vast the varied character of educational literature, indicative of a corresponding variety of educational ideas and practices. Second- the growing importance of education as a social process, and third-the great numerical strength of the teaching professiona and its rapidly changing personnel. The vast and growing literature indicates not only a vigourous interest in educational problems and practices, but is evidence also of an equally great diversity in views and practices. It is evident that the rank and file of the teaching profession are hopelessly lost in the maze of material, and that some guidance is necessary even to those most thorougly prepared to seek for the sanest ideas and the soundest practice. The splendidly formed values of this very famous set include a concise discussion of all topics of importance and interest to the teacher, and will give sucfh information concerning every division of education practice as is essential to book of reference. Completeness of teratment is not designed. Completeness of scope is attempted. Every aspect of education as an art and as a science are treated. Every important method or educational device that is advocated now of has found a place in the passt is defined and evaluated. Each of these articles include on historical treatment as well as analysis of contemporary conditions. Every important point in educational administration, supervision and management are treated by specialists. The set covers areas like philosophy and science of education, history of edcuation, educational biography, educational institutions, elemtnry, secondary and higher education, the curriculum, educaitonal administration and supervision, system of education, educational methods, general and special educational psychology, hygiene and institutional architecture. January 2002. 12 volumes, 480 pp. Illustrationws, figures, tables, index, ISBN 81-7020-361-9.

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