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  International Encyclopaedia Of Anthropology

International Encyclopaedia Of Anthropology

by S. M. Channa

  Price : Rs 16500.00
  Your Price : Rs 14025.00
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  Cosmo Publications are pleased to announce the publication of a completely new international multi volume reference set INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ANTHROPOLOGY, perhaps the first such comprehensive compilation on this displine. Anthropology is a human science and is primarily concerned with global issues of human interest like inequality, environment, ethnicity, conflict, political boundaries, gender issues, power hierarchies etc., The past few decades have emerged as the critical period of anthropological thought involving introspection and a great deal of reflexivity. The international encyclopaedia of anthropology is a compilation of some of the most importatn works to appear in this creative phase of the discipline. The seventies and eighties mark a turning point in the direction and idenity of the discipline and the articles included in this encyclopaedia pertain to some of these major theoretical and methodological debates and emerging issues. The articles have been arranged theme wise in the successive volumes and Covers all important traditional and emerging subject areas like : culture, behaviour, religious beliefs and rituals, kinship, gender, medical anthropology, political anthropology, ecological anthropology, research methodology, practical anthropology, ethnicity and identity, sexuality and culture, family and marriage, anthropological theory. The enyclopaedia presents almost all the major sub-themes of the desipline to include non-western and western, first world and third world, the articles are as representative as possible and review all that has been happening in the field of anthropology in the last three decades. The contributors to this set include reputed scholars from all parts of the worlds. These includes names like RAYMOND FIFTH, FRANCIS HSU, MARY DOUGLAS, ROBIN FOX, LAWRENCE BABB, ANDREW STRATHERN, DAVID G. MANDELBAUM, MELKFORD SPIRO, LAURA NADER, WALDER GOLDSCHIMAT and many more great scholars. The uniqueness of the work lies in its compilation and clasification to make such complex material available in a systematic manner. The encyclopaedia would be welcomed by teachers and students of anthropology, history, pre-history, socio-biology, sociology, social anthropology, social work and political science. Those dealing with Gender both as a problamatic and as a social reformation will be greatly aided. Social workers will find solutions to many problems of culture and communication, planners and policy majkers will find these volumes indispensable. The complete text is profusely supplemented with tables and figures, facilitating easy reading. Each individual articlehas its own extended bibliography guiding the user to further reading. JANUARY, 1998, 3600 pages, 2,0000,000 words, cloth Binding.ISBN 81-7020-726-6.

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