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  The Earth Has No Corner : Fecilitation Volume On The 70th Birthday Of Dr. Karan Singh

The Earth Has No Corner : Fecilitation Volume On The 70Th Birthday Of Dr. Karan Singh

by K. L. Nandan

  Price : Rs 1100.00
  Your Price : Rs 1100.00
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  The book is a felicitation volume to mark the 70th birthday of India???s ??? Universal Man???, the poet prince philosopher politician, Dr. Karan Singh, but it is much more than that. His personality and concerns have been used as a mirror by distinguished world celebrities to investigate the roots and traditions of mankind and look to its future. That makes The Earth Has No Corners a rare anthology of the deep though and vision of some of the greatest of living scientists, scholars and thinkers. They are men and women who have participated in shaping the attitudes and perceptions of the 20th century and are still active in the 21st century with their penetrative vision and creative imagination. Science, religion, technology, humanism, interfaith and intercultural aspirations of mankind, all converge in this single volume, which is like a testament of humanism and universalism for our age. Those who have joined in this exercise, inspired by the charm and magnetism of the most unusual Indian of our times, itself reads like a golden roll of intellectual celebrities.isbn-9788175410886

Pages : 320
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