Pioneers of Police is such a vast subject that it is difficult to find out all the possible names, however, discree the selection may be. It is impossible for anyone to find out relevant facts and claim to know everything that happened in the field, moreover, there hangs the danger of omitting those names whoser natural modesty led them to remain in the background, because the real actors in the play appear in the stage casting a spell by this brilliant performance under the dazzle of light but soon leave the stage leaving the viewers against. Institutions are potent in their influence on the minds of people and in the shaping of the lives of those who work in them; the book shows how people, too are potent in the making and holding of institutions and reminds us of the significance of the individual in their creation. This is a book about individuals, each salient in his own way. Each of these persons has changed the curse of history, which however turns a blind eye to them and ignores their contribution to the shaping of the events that followed. The contribution made by each of these policemen has been of a much lasting value than those made by King of Presidents; Prime Ministers barring a few exceptions. This book is an attempt to analyse the lives of these great policemen of history and find out what were the qualities which made them great, and along with that to give short descriptions of the organisations which they set up. This study terminates with the second world war, the only started their careers at the time of the First world War and had already merged at the top hy the time the Second World War broke out. This work does not claim to be either exhaustive or comprehensive. Time required for further study and the space required to narrate the achievements of others who deserved to be mentioned, have been the limiting factors. If this book is found to be useful, it is hoped by the author that younger officers will continue this study and bring out supplementary volumes to continue the story. Pp 24 + 950, cloth bound, jacket ISBN 81-7755-200-7
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