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  The Himalayan Gazetteer: historical, ethnolographical, geographical and scientific, 3 volumes in 6 parts

The Himalayan Gazetteer: Historical, Ethnolographical, Geographical And Scientific, 3 Volumes In 6 Parts

by E. T. Atkinson

  Price : Rs 8500.00
  Your Price : Rs 7225.00
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  The Himalayan Gazetteer, has remained a perennial best seller because of its unique and unreplaceable reputation as the finest work of its kind. The gazetteer is a complete account off all matters of interest such as historical, geographica, statistical, physiographica, ethnographical etc. etc; of each district of the entire himalayan region. The wealth of knowledge it offers is stupendous and most authentic. As we shall see in these volumes, the forms of belief having their oring in or beyond the himalayas have influenced the religious systems of india from the earliest ages to the present day and for the political, geographical and religious history of the plains, an adequate concept of the himalayas-tibetan tract is a necessary preparation. It is a complexte index to our knowledge of the people of the whole himalayan region of the north western India in all dimensions of their existence. Much remains to be done& explored in the himalayas but at the same time very much more has been accomplished than is generally known., scientific and economic botany have been carefully explored, the chapters on economic minerology leaves little to be desired and those on meterology, physical geography and geology adds much to our knowledge. The himalayan gazetteer is nbeing reissued in its complete form after a long time to met the needs of scholars, administrators and the public. It is the only book of reference on thei entire region., 3 vols in 6 parts, ISBN 81-7020-237-x, pages 2480, size 22 * 14 cm., cloth, index.

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