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  Encyclopaedia Of Sociology Of Religion, 3 Volumes

Encyclopaedia Of Sociology Of Religion, 3 Volumes

by V. G. Nayar, M. G. Nayar

  Price : Rs 3250.00
  Your Price : Rs 2762.50
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  Sociology of religion is concerned with explaining religion as a social institution. The roles that beliefs and practices of religion play in the regulation of social relationships and the various ways in which religion emerges as the strongest motivating factor effecting human behaviour. The part played by religon in revolutionary social movements in preciitaing large scale social action, including war, as also the ways religion influences day to day social behaviour all fall within the gambit of sociology of religon. The encyclopaedia of scoiology of religion brings together path-breaking contributions from leading specialists on all important areas, including also the new trends of research in the broad field of sociology. Special care bas been taken to include articles, arranged thematically in three successive volumes, which cover all important understanding of the different concepts of religious life in the civilization of world. A sense of religion, durkheim`s attitute to traditional religions. The invasion of religion by science, the new religion, religion and politics, religion and social stratification, religion collectivities, gods, magnicians and priests and so on. The process of mythologization and demythologization, the universalist theis,s the concept of seva in indain religion have also received very adquate attention. The work also includes the study of the process of politicization of religion, sects and monastic orders. Apart from the mapping of diversity, the nature of continuity between `tribal primitivism` and f`folk` or popular hinduism as well as the contrast between tribal religion and the philosophical traditions in world, religion and with special contrast to the Indian religiohn, which were the main theoretical interests of the scholars, hs been also included in this encyclopaedia. The other major gaps in research areas which are usually not taken into account, have also received attention: 1. Study of religion in relation to class stratification, 2. How the different social strata and segments are involved in the social organization. 3. Sociology of inter-religious conflict and integration. 4. Study of religion-based world views of the tribals and the peasants. 5. Sociology of sects. 6. Linkage of the emerging political leadership with religions and cults. 7. Relation of religion with different dimension: science and technology and political modernization. 8. Role of religion in social relivitalization. 9. Role of religion in the traditional pursuits of excellence. The uniqueness of the work lies not in its complicability but rather in tis vivdity, social and practical applicability and relevancy of the subject.January 2000.. 22 14 CM. Cloth Binding, Bibliography, ISBN 81-7020-972-2, thematic article based volumes, pp 1100 tables.

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