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  International Encyclopaedia Of Library Development, 5 Volumes

International Encyclopaedia Of Library Development, 5 Volumes

by M. A. Khan

  Price : Rs 5000.00
  Your Price : Rs 4250.00
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  Societies and contemperory democracles especially depend to a great extent on the vast body of knowledge that is needed to sustain and develop the complex scientific and technological societies of the world today. In view of the fast developing technology in the modern world the value of information has increased many told. The libraries thus have acquired now a vary catalytic role in the preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. We have tried here in this Encyclopaedia to present all the aspects of library development and the need to develop libraries on scientific lines and to conduct research for further improvement. The teaching of the principles and tools of management including statistical methods systems analysis and operations research and their application to the management of library systems and documentation centres for increasing the efficiency of the library and documentation services have been extensively discussed in different volumes of the encyclopaedia. There is a growing realization of the need to tailor library and documentation services to the scientific needs of different categories of persons such as research workers, production technologists and management personnel. Documentation service to industries and management information system are among the subjects which have received emphasis recently in the courses in documentation. An understanding of the structure and development of subjects is considered basic to the design and development of scheme for library classification, subject analysis, classyfying, preparation of subject headings and reference service. The use of electronic devices in the libraries has seen a dramatic rise. The document retrieval and document finding systems are increasingly dependent on electronic devices. In speeding up various library routines the use of such devices like computer is discussed in these volumes. The dissemination and communication of information and of ideas through documents is only one component of the total system of communication of information and of ideas and forms the highlight of this encyclopaedia. There has been a long felt need of a comprehensive encyclopaedia in library science covering all the aspects of library research and development and this encyclopaedia serves this purpose quite well besides covering all the aspects in a most compact and clear manner. The international character of the work is clear from the list of contributors to the set, each one of whom is a recognised expert on the subject. It is hoped that this comprehensive encyclopaedia will fulfil the needs of teachers and students of library and information science, researchers and educational pioneers, and administrators to their entire satisfaction. February 1998, pp 1800 tables, figures, bibliography, size 22 14 cm. Cloth binding. ISBN 81-7020-774-6

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