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  Peasant Movement In Karnataka : 1980-94

Peasant Movement In Karnataka : 1980-94

by Muzaffar H. Assadi

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 950.00
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  During the decade of 1980s a spate of peasant movements began to envelop different parts of India, which were for the first time differed from the earlier movements in terms of strategies, discourses, politics and agendas. It all began in Maharashtra under Shetkari Sangathana, then spread to Karnataka under Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS), later on in Uttar Pradesh movement came under the influence of Bharatiya Kisan Union. The specific characteristics of these movements were that they began challenging the wider exploitative relations, socio-political system, and the wider role of industrial/ western capitalism.isbn-9788185402871

Pages : 328
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