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  Web Applications Development (Sem 2, BSc Mumbai Univ)

Web Applications Development (Sem 2, Bsc Mumbai Univ)

by Prof. Kiran Gurbani

  Price : Rs 390.00
  Your Price : Rs 339.30
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  It is a great pleasure in presenting First Edition of this Book “Web Applications Development” to the students of B.Sc. (IT). This book is written to cover all the topics of syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai for B.Sc. (IT).Web programming, also known as web development, is the creation of dynamic web applications. Examples of web applications are social networking sites like Facebook or e-commerce sites like Amazon. A lot of people learn web coding because they want to create the next Facebook or find a job in the industry. But it is also a good choice if you just want a general introduction to coding, since it is super easy to get started. There are two broad divisions of web development – front-end development and back-end development. Front-end development refers to constructing what a user sees when they load a web application – the content, design and how you interact with it. This is done with three codes – HTML, CSS and JavaScript.HTML, short for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a special code for ‘marking up’ text in order to turn it into a web page. Every web page on the net is written in HTML, and it will form the backbone of any web application. CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a code for setting style rules for the appearance of web pages. CSS handles the cosmetic side of the web. Finally, JavaScript is a scripting language that is widely used to add functionality and interactivity to web pages.Back-end development controls what goes on behind the scenes of a web application. A back-end often uses a database to generate the front-end.The concept and theory of each topic is followed by the theoretical explanation, some self assessment questions and all practical solutions of Web Programming according to university pattern are provided at the end of this book. Efforts have been made to make the text easy to read and understand. In this book, we have covered all types of programs expected by University of Mumbai in practical examination. At the end of this book, sample question paper is given for the student practice. Contents -UNIT I 1. Internet and the World Wide Web 2. HTML5 UNIT II 3. Page Layout and Navigation 4. Tables, Forms and Media UNIT III 5. Java Script UNIT IV 6. PHP UNIT V 7. Advanced PHP and MySQL PRACTICALS

ISBN : 9789358409420

Pages : 284
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