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  The Everything Answer Book

The Everything Answer Book

by Amit Goswami

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 348.50
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  Quantum physics is the key to understanding consciousness, life, death, God, psychology, and the meaning of life. It is an antidote to the moral sterility and mechanistic approach of scientific materialism and is the clearest approach to understanding our universe. In short, quantum physics is indeed the theory of everything.Goswami and his friends and colleagues discuss how quantum physics affects our understanding of Zen thoughts, feelings, and intuitions, dreams and their meaning, quantum reincarnation, and the spiritualization of economics and business, politics and education, and society itself.The Everything Answer Book has a wealth of information for those interested in the new physics to those captivated by the spiritual implications of the latest scientific breakthroughs.

ISBN : 9789387944220

Pages : 256
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