An intriguing tale of grit, courage and adventure, The Raja of Bourbon is a well-researched historical account that traces the swashbuckling narrative` of Jean de Bourbon, a nephew of Henry IV, the first Bourbon French king. In the mid-sixteenth century, Jean embarks on his first journey from France to survive attempts to assassinate him. Alone in the wide world, he is kidnapped by pirates and sold at an Egyptian slave market. From Egypt to Ethiopia, his journey is full of adventures, each more incredible than the other. In 1560, Jean finally arrives at the court of the Mughal emperor Akbar, ushering in a long trail of Bourbons in India. Balthazar de Bourbon, Jean`s sole descendant in India, still stays in Bhopal, proud of his legendary ancestor and family history.
ISBN : 9788174368065
Pages : 196