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  Param Vir Chakra: Hoshiar Singh

Param Vir Chakra: Hoshiar Singh

by Ian Cardozo. Maj. Gen.

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 175.50
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  The War in the West: The term West` is used to differentiate it from operations in East Pakistan. The war\r\n\r\nin the west was fought in the regions of India`s Northern, Western and Southern commands. The Battle of\r\n\r\nJarpal, across the Basantar has assumed historical importance as a battle where two sub-unit commanders\r\n\r\nof two different units of the Indian Army won Param Vir Chakras in the same battle and where the\r\n\r\ncommanding officer of the attacking battalion of the opposite side was awarded the Hilal-E-Jurat, Pakistan`s\r\n\r\nsecond Highest Gallantry award based on the written citation of the Indian Battalion commander. Major\r\n\r\nHoshiar Singh of 3 Grenadiers and 2\/Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal of Poona Horse were Awarded India`s\r\n\r\nHighest award for Gallantry of the Most Exceptional order in this fiercely tested Battle in the Shakargarh\r\n\r\nBulge in the Plains sector of Jammu. Major Hoshiar Singh`s exemplary conduct in peace and in war has\r\n\r\nmotivated generation of soldiers on how to live and behave in peace so that we can win in War.

ISBN : 9789351941996

Pages : 32
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