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  Laboratory manual Mathematics Class X

Laboratory Manual Mathematics Class X

by Arihant Experts

  Price : Rs 290.00
  Your Price : Rs 232.00
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  1. CBSE Class 10 th Mathematics Lab Manual provides the practical knowledge about the subject
2. Activities given in the manual is simple and interactivie
3. Each concept, term, definition and formula given in the theory for better understanding
4. Questions in Viva Voce make the concept more clearer
5. Project listed in NCERT Lab Manual have been covered as per the syllabus
6. Step – by – step guidance given for every experiment to understand concepts.

No theory can be proved without experimentation. Conclusions that are observed and verified in real time are authentic and easy to retain. CBSE conducts Practical Exams along with theoretical exam to test the scientific aptitude of students.

CBSE Class 10 th , Mathematics Lab Manual has been prepared strictly according to the guidelines. All the activities in this manual have been in simple, lucid and in an interactive manner. The Theory given with each activity gives complete understanding of each concept, term, definition, and formula, etc. Viva Voce questions given with each activity try to make concepts more clear in accordance with the curriculum. Along with the Activity, all the projects listed in NCERT Lab Manual have also been covered.The book serves as the step by step guide for conducting experiments in such a way that students will not need to refer any other book for explanations of the concepts.

Table of Contents

Activities: To find the HCF of two numbers experimentally based on Euclid Division Lemma, To draw graph of a quadratic polynomial and observe, To verify the conditions for consistency/inconsistency for a pair of linear equations in two variable by graphical method, To obtain the solution of a quadratic solution by completing the square geometrically, To draw a system of similar triangles, using Y-shaped strips with nails, To find the sum of the first n natural numbers, odd natural numbers, even natural numbers, To find the height of a building using a clinometers, etc.

List of Projects: Chronologicval Development of solution of a quadratic equations, To prove Pythagoras Theorem (by the method other than given in the textbook), Extensions of Pythagoras Theorem, Sum of exterior angles of a polygon taken in an order, Indian mathematicians and their contributions, To prepare a list of quotations on Mathematics, Ramanujan number (1729), Mathematical crosswords,application of geometry in day to day life, application of menstruation in day to day life, Golden rectangle and Golden ratio.


ISBN : 9789312143575

Pages : 102
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