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  Laboratory Manual SCIENCE Class IXth

Laboratory Manual Science Class Ixth

by Arihant Experts

  Price : Rs 165.00
  Your Price : Rs 132.00
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  1. CBSE Class 9th Science Lab Manual provides the practical knowledge about the subject
2. Activities given in the manual is simple and interactive
3. Each practical is supported with relevant theory, procedure, observations and more
4. This book gives complete understanding of concepts, terms and definitions for understanding
5. Questions in Viva Voce make the concept more clearer
6. Project listed in NCERT Lab Manual have been covered as per the syllabus
7. Step – by – step guidance and Accurate Diagrams are given for every experiment to understand concepts.

Experimentation is the most prominent way to prove any theory. CBSE conducts Practical Exams along with theoretical exam to test the scientific aptitude of students. It is because the conclusions that are observed and verified in real time are authentic and easy to retain.CBSE Class 9th, Science Lab Manual includes guidelines for Experiments, Activities and Projects in accordance with the curriculum. Each practical is supported with relevant theory, procedure,observations and calculation, error rectification results, precautions and viva voce in the format to be followed in the laboratory.

The book serves as the step by step guide for conducting experiments explaining the relevance of each step. The book covers all aspects of the experiment in such a way that students will not need to refer any other book for explanations of the concepts.

Table of Contents

General Introduction of Laboratory Work, Commonly used Apparatus, How to Record an Experiment?,Lab Instructions, Safety Precautions

Preparation of true solution of common salt, sugar and alum, to prepare a temporary mount of onion peel for study of its cells, to identify different types of plant tissues from permanent slides, draw their labeled diagram and write their identifying features, to determine the melting point of ice and boiling point of water, To verify the laws of reflection of sound, To determine the density of solid by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder, to establish the relation between the loss in weight of a solid when fully immersed in tap water, To determine the velocity of a pulse propagated through a stretched string/ slinky, to study the characteristic features of Spirogyral/Agaricus, Moss, Fern, Pinus and an Angiospermic plant, to verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction, etc.

Coloured Diagrams


ISBN : 9789312143629

Pages : 148
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