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  Problems in Elementary Physics

Problems In Elementary Physics

by B. Bukhovtsev , V. Krivchenkov, G. Myakishev, V. Shalnov

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 156.00
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  1.The Classical Text series is a collection of classic pieces of work that continues to be bestseller
2.Works as elementary text book building the concepts
3.Fundamental Laws of phyiscs has explained of various problems of physics
4.The Text Book is divided in 6 Chapters
5.The elaboration of the concepts is simple and engaging with a clear objective of taking out the mystique attached with the physics problems.

Classic Text Series is considered to one of the best categories from Arihant, it is a compilation of some of the amazing works done by the great teachers, authors and writers across the globe in the field of science.

“Problems in Elementary Physics” is a collection of 816 Problems Textbooks that is edited by the various renowned teachers. This collection consist of various unique problems that require fundamental knowledge of Physics and ability to apply them in the most diverse conditions. The solutions of all the difficult problems are given in a great detailed manner even for the simpler ones. This book is recommended for self- education of the senior students and many of the problems will be useful for the first and second year students of the higher schools.


Chap- 1: Mechanics, Chap- 2: Heat: Molecular Physics, Chap- 3: Electricity and Magnetism, Chap- 4: Oscillations and Waves, Chap- 5: Geometrical Optics, Chap- 6: Physical Optics.

ISBN : 9789324191779

Pages : 438
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