Vedic grammar has never till now been treated separately and as a whole. Both in India and in the West the subject has hitherto been handled only in connexion with Classical Sanskrit. Hundreds of Panini`s Sutras deal with the language of the Vedas; but the account they give of it is anything but comprehensive. In the West, Benfey was the first, more than half a century ago (1852), to combine a description of the linguistic peculiarities of the Vedas with an account of the traditional matter of Panini; but as Vedic studies were at that time still in their infancy, only the Samaveda and about one-fourth of the Rgveda having as yet been published, the Vedic material utilized in his large grammar was necessarily very limited in extent. In Whitney`s work` the language of the Vedas, which is much more fully represented, is treated in its historical connexion with Classical Sanskrit. v
ISBN : 9788121222839
Pages : 462