The author of the following pages was sent out on a Missionary Tour, by one of the great American Societies; but though his special attention was directed to the state and prospects of Missions, he felt the important bearing which the political and economical relations of the countries which he visited, had on the progress of the great cause. His work, accordingly, contains the remarks of an acute and enlightened observer on the state of society and manners, commerce and natural productions, of some of the most interesting portions of the East. The only aim of the following pages is utility. Had a place been sought among admired travellers, the author should have given more descriptions, incidents, and delineations of private character; and fewer facts, opinions, and reflections; which would at once have saved labour, and rendered him less vulnerable. Honest intentions, diligent inquiries, and fortunate opportunities, will not secure a traveller from errors, even in Europe or America, where in every place we meet persons of veracity, and free to impart information. In the East the case is much worse. The foreigner, dreaded for his power, and abhorred for his religion, excites both civil and religious jealousy. The map has been constructed with great care. On arriving in India an outline was drawn on a very large scale; and, as local surveys, or narratives of recent journeys, came to hand, corrections were continually made.