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  The Self Urdu Teacher

The Self Urdu Teacher

by Edward John

  Price : Rs 1060.00
  Your Price : Rs 773.80
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  The reception accorded to the Author’s Self Hindi Teacher in India and in foreign countries, has encouraged him to compile the sister-volume of The Self Urdu Teacher. It aims at teaching Urdu through the medium of English to the beginners of Urdu who have a desire to learn the language at home without a teacher. The English-knowing people who are fond of or required to learn Hindustani; the European candidates of Civil and Military services in India who have to pass a high standard examination in Urdu; general readers of current literature; businessmen, and officials working in the Urdu department of courts and other offices; and all foreigners who may aspire to learn Hindustani, will find the book of immense service to them. The book affords an easy means of acquiring a fair knowledge of Urdu without the help of a tutor. It follows a systematic way of teaching the Urdu language. A learner who starts with the alphabet may well be able to speak tolerably good Hindustani and write essays and letters by the time he finished the book. It makes the language easy and familiar in a short while. Lessons on sound of letters, pronunciation, grammatical rules, classification of words and formation of sentences, exercises, essay writing etc are given in interesting manner. This book will be found of immense value to those who feel anxious to study privately.

ISBN : 9788121230421

Pages : 268
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