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  The Return of Sherlock Holmes

The Return Of Sherlock Holmes

by Arthur Conan Doyle

  Price : Rs 1240.00
  Your Price : Rs 905.20
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  Strand Magazine in Great Britain and Collier`s in the US published the collection of thirteen Sherlock Holmes stories [1903-04]. It was adapted for the BBC Radio-4[1992-03] as part of the Bert Coule`s complete radio adaptation of the cannon, starring Clive Merrison [Holmes] and Michael Williams [Dr.Watson], Denis Quilley [Bob Carruthers-the solitary cyclist], Alex Norton [Cairns-Black Peter], Peter Vaughan-Charles Augustus Milverton], Peter Sallis [Jonas ldacre-the Norwood Builder], and Penny Downie-Lady Brackenstall-The Abby Grange] were the guest stars. Bert Carles, Michael Bakewell, Roger Danes, David Ashton, Peter Ling and Robert Forrest wrote the episodes while Enyd Williams-Patric Rayner duo directed the play. The popularity of characters began with a scandal in Bohemia [1891] with others set in the Victorian or Edward era [1880- 1914], narrated by Holmes friend and biographer John H. Watson. Sir Henry Littlejohn, chair of medical jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh Medical School also cited an inspiration for Holmes. As police surgeon and medical fficer there, he extended a link between medical investigation and crime detection.

ISBN : 9788121216241

Pages : 415
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