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  The North - Western Provinces Of India: Their History, Ethnology, And Administration

The North - Western Provinces Of India: Their History, Ethnology, And Administration

by W. Crooke

  Price : Rs 1790.00
  Your Price : Rs 1306.70
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  The area described includes the Plains & Valleys of the Ganga and Jamuna rivers towards the Bay of Bengal. Tracts of the north up the Himalayan range, south of the Jamuna to the edge of the Sindhaya Platue and parts of Central India. The author, in his capacity of the Superintendent of the Ethnographical Survey of the said areas describes various aspects of the area. He describes the land in its physical aspect, its history under Hindu and Musalman rule, its history under British rule; their ethnology and sociology, the religious and social life, the land and its settlements and the peasants and their land. The book was published in 1897.

ISBN : 9788121238304

Pages : 447
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