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  The Masters

The Masters

by Annie Besant

  Price : Rs 220.00
  Your Price : Rs 160.60
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  Masters superstitious or harmful the white lodge and it`s messengers the masters avatars This fourth volume of the Annie Besant Collection includes seven profound books by this prolific English author, undoubtedly one of the most important authorities of the Theosophical Movement. The books explore the subject of "The Masters" -or our Supreme Guides in this path that we call Human Life- from several possible angles, including an in depth exploration of the "Initiation" process; as well as discipleship and the path to attain it. Also, it pretends to explain the Masters, who they are and what they do. A very comprehensive analysis, the volume collects most of the author`s serious and important works on the subject; an author whose wisdom has inspired generations of readers around the world. The books are: initiation, the perfecting of man the path of discipleship etc.

ISBN : 9788121219181

Pages : 75
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