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  The Book of the Dead : the Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum

The Book Of The Dead : The Papyrus Of Ani In The British Museum

by E. A. Wallis Budge

  Price : Rs 1350.00
  Your Price : Rs 985.50
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  The book details the Egyptian view of the afterlife. The sacred wisdom of the Priest of ancient Egypt and the experiences of the soul after death; one of the most important books in Egyptian history. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which unable the soul of the deceased to navigate afterlife. The famous title was given the work by Western scholars the actual Title would translate as “The Book of Coming Forth by Day or Spells of Going Forth by day. It is also called “The Ancient Egyptian Bible”. The afterlife was considered to be a continuation of life on earth after one had passed through various difficulties and judgment in the Hall of truth a paradise which was a perfect reflection of one`s life on earth.

ISBN : 9789351285151

Pages : 543
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