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  The Arya Samaj: An Account of its origin doctrines,and activities, with a biographical sketch of the founder

The Arya Samaj: An Account Of Its Origin Doctrines,And Activities, With A Biographical Sketch Of The Founder

by Lajpat Rai

  Price : Rs 700.00
  Your Price : Rs 511.00
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  About The Book -: The Arya samaj’ is a book by Lala Lajpat Rai, aimed to state the position of Arya samaj in the words of its leaders, who are the best Exponents of its doctrine and its views. ‘The Arya samaj is undoubtedly a potent spiritual ferment in Punjab, combining what may be called a Protestant Reformation of the secular abuses and legendary accretions of orthodox Hinduism with a Puritan Simplification of life and a roundhead insistence on the development of Indian intellectual life and thought. Of this movement and in this social service, Mr. Lajpat Rai has been long a leader. He adds a new service to us all by bringing its history, its aims and its achievement to the notice of the ever-growing english-reading public, not only in the United Kingdom and America, but also in India and Japan.’ Book Summary of The Arya Samaj Ceremonial rites and rituals occupy a place of utmost importance in the life of a devout Hindu. Among the innumerable castes and communities in India, only the trivargeas - Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas perform their rites strictly in accrodance with the injuctions ordained by the Vedas.

ISBN : 9788121226318

Pages : 351
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