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  South Africa Of To-Day

South Africa Of To-Day

by Francis Younghusband

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 292.00
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  The author is indebted to the management of The Times for their permission to republish the letters and telegrams addressed to them during his two important missions to South Africa; and he would wish to take this opportunity of recording his appreciation of the support invariably afforded him in carrying out the duty with which they had entrusted him. The author has compiled this book at a time when the colony of South Africa was undergoing severe unrest from various communities, and the signs of impending change were not missed by him. The book has 15 chapters, among which the reader will find accounts of : the resources of Transvaal; the Boers; the Outlanders; the crisis in Johannesburg; the revolt and James’s Raid; Rhodesia; Indian immigration to Natal, etc. An interesting snippet is his consideration of the question of the welfare of Indians there, after his meetings with Mohandas K. Gandhi. It contains 12 fine illustrations also, which the author preserves from oblivion. This book is a reprint of the 1897 edition.

ISBN : 9788121240451

Pages : 212
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