Both the volumes have been compiled on the basis of collected stories from different sources. The sentiment may savour of Themistocles rather than Aristides; still the writer venture to hold that the pen in the hand of a man is that implement where with, he may lawfully make known his obligations to those he loves and, at the same time, answer loudly as he pleases certain other claimants to his attention. Acting upon this principle –or no principle, a veteran dweller in the tents of Shem, a shrewd observer of all things oriental, and, what concerns his purpose infinitely more. The first volume contains chapter between I to XIV. The second volume contains chapter between XV to XVIII. The subjects included in these discourse are human behaviour, travel, falconry, fencing, sexual practices, and ethnography. A characteristic feature of the author books is the copious footnotes and appendices containing remarkable observations and information. Both the volumes are the product of extensive study on the Scinde Survey; or, the Unhappy Valley. The subject of the book is delicate and illuminating and immensely beneficial in researchers and readers point of view.