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  Rulers Of India: Sir Thomas Munro And The British Settlement Of The Madras Presidency

Rulers Of India: Sir Thomas Munro And The British Settlement Of The Madras Presidency

by John Bradshaw

  Price : Rs 940.00
  Your Price : Rs 686.20
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  About the Book :- The author reveals the book is an account of his experience during his stay in Madras. During the forty years the history of Madras was one of wars, of cession of territory to the British, and of the settlement of the new Districts. How large a share Munro took as a soldier and as a civil administrator in the British settlement of Southern India. They will also exhibit a character worthy of imitation by every Indian official and by every well-wisher of the Indian races. His own letters paint the man—brave, wise, and kindly. Great changes have taken place in Southern India during the two-thirds of a century since Munro`s death. The country has been opened up by railways and telegraph wires, and the people have been modernized by schools and colleges. Almost every town which Munro visited as Collector, Colonel, and Governor has now a railway station or is within a few hours` drive of one, and each has its English school, its dispensary or hospital, its post and telegraph office, its magistrate`s court and its police station. The subject matter of the book is illuminating and delicate. The book is informative and worth readable.

ISBN : 9788121241021

Pages : 256
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