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  Petals of the Self-Formed: Antecedents of Travancore Kingdom

Petals Of The Self-Formed: Antecedents Of Travancore Kingdom

by Raju S

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 722.70
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  This book is about the socio-political entity that existed prior to the existence of  the kingdom of Thiruvithamkur/Travancore situated at the southernmost part of  peninsular India. These entities were known as Swaroopams; several of them coexisted  along with another entity known as naadu. The chief of Swaroopams were not known as kings but muppu (the senior most). They were not chiefs, but their function was `to be  with distinction` or vaazhcha in Malayalam language. One muppu could occupy this  position in more than one Swaroopams at the same time or at different points in time.  This pattern can be called as multiple muppu vaazhcha. The dathetukkal practice  (adoption) was prevalent in the Swaroopams, but it is not identical to adoption. The  customary practices (aachaaram) were extremely important in deciding the matters of  Swaroopam administration. There was a system of `archaivalisation of aachaaram`.  Instead of a single methodology, the enquiry employs a `conceptual constellation`

ISBN : 9788121261487

Pages : 273
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