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  National Systems of Education

National Systems Of Education

by Ismail Thamarasseri

  Price : Rs 1350.00
  Your Price : Rs 985.50
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  This book critically examines the establishment and development of the national system of education in India. This is followed by an overview of the impact of wider contextual developments, including political, socio-economic, cultural and religious factors. The curricula developed and implemented in educational institutions throughout the period are used as the framework around which the wider educational developments at school level are structured. This book provides an insight into the evolving educational experiences of children in schools in India during the contemporary period. This book analyses the educational and skill development programmes of some foreign countries. The national character of a given system of education is never determined by one factor, but rather a combination and interweaving of several factors. Consequently national factors of a country are closely related with national system of education. As such, this book analyses the factors which make the education of a country national.

ISBN : 9789353240110

Pages : 338
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