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  Narrative of various journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab: Including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838

Narrative Of Various Journeys In Balochistan, Afghanistan, And The Panjab: Including A Residence In Those Countries From 1826 To 1838

by Charles Masson

  Price : Rs 2080.00
  Your Price : Rs 1518.40
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  About The Book :: This book contains a brief account of the revolt in Balochistân, an episode merely of the great political drama enacted west of the Indus, but deserving attention as the precursor of the catastrophe subsequently developed at Kâbal. The volume concludes with a memoir on Eastern Balochistân, covering geography, tribes, government and history, antiquities and dialects, military force, revenue, trade, agriculture, manners, customs and natural history and mineralogy. Saiyad Keramat Ali. Lieutenant Conolly. Captain Wade. Water-fowl. Dost Mahomed Khan`s celebrity. Sirafraz Khan. Mdhomed Azem Khan pacified. Slangliter of Koh Daman chiefs. Dost Mahomed Khan’s gallantry. — Fati Khan’s military talent. Escapes to Andali. Kamran’s march to Kabal. Recovers Kashmir. Prince Jebanghir. Dost Mahomed Khan`s discontent. Shah Mahmud. Ranjit Singh occupies Peshawer. Mahomed Azem Khan. Fur Dil Khan’s interview with Ayub Shah. Investment of Balia Hissar. The Kandahar sirdar’s march to the aid of Habib Ulah Khan. Besieged by Dost Mahomed Khan. Arrival of mission from Kunduz.Return of Haji Khan. Hospitality of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg.Movements of Mir Mahomed Morad Beg. Killa Kohchian. — Nazir Mir Ali Khan. Sekandar Shah.Dost Mahomed Khan. Plain of Begram. Killa Musa Khan. Collections of coins. Site of Begram.— Hill ranges. Canal Mahighir. Begram of Peshawer. Caves.— Ziarat. His antiquarian operations. Departure for Jelalabad. Pali conquests. Names of localities.Dost Mahomed Khan’s designs. Sultan Mahomed Khan’s visit to Jalalabad. Plunder of town. — Arrival of Nawab Jabar Khan. Arrival at Peshawer. Jocularity of Hari Singh. Departure from Peshawer. Good fortune. Night march. Mirza Aga Jan. Arrival of ex-sirdars of Pesawer. Death of Amir Mahomed Khan. The Shah`s reception. Dost Mahomed Khan’s promise. Start on a tour to Khonar. Departure ` for Kabal. — Terikki. — Arrival at Kabal. Dost Mahomed Khiin’s intention to assume royalty. Mahomed Koli Khan. His assault on Ranjit Singh.— Delicate duties. — Evils of Saiyad Keramat Ali’s conduct.Attempt to assassinate the Amir. Commencement of communications with Persia. Search for Sultan Mahomed Khan. Disposal of the army. Mirza Sami Khan’s wrath. Haji Khan’s conversations. Letter from Captain Wade. — Arrival of Rashid. Haji Khan’s recommendation. Haji Ibrahim. — Hussen Ali. —Ivan Vektavich Abdul Saimad’s projects. Aggressions of Hari Singh. Attack by Hari Singh. Feat of Mahomed Akhar Khan. Reception of Maomed Akbar Khan at Kabal. His pursuit of Dost Mahomed Khan. His final disposal. Zerin Khan’s remark. — Motives of displeasure. The Amir’s exultation. Intercourse between Kabal and India. — Letters to Lord Auckland. Persian Envoy. — Russian letters. Mahomed Hussen’s arrival at Kabal. Favourable dispositions of Ranjit Singh. — Night interview with the amir. Captain Burnes’ notion of his mission. Remarks on commercial missions. His arrival in Kabal. Captain Burnes’ conversations. — His humility. — Visit of Mirza Sami Khan. — Resolutions of the amir and his advisers. Unnecessary alarms of Persia. Opinions at Kabal. Assault on my house. Parting interview with Mirza Sami Khan. His return to Kandahar. — Abu Khan. — Haji Hussen All Khan, the Persian ambassador. Progress to Peshawer, — Captain Burnes summoned to Lahore. — Letter of Captain Burnes.Captain Bumes’ insincerity.

ISBN : 9788121264464

Pages : 516
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Narrative of various journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab: Including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838
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Narrative of various journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab: Including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838
by Charles Masson
Narrative of various journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab: Including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838
by Charles Masson
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