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  Mysore: A Gazetteer Compiled For Government

Mysore: A Gazetteer Compiled For Government

by B. Lewis Rice

  Price : Rs 1660.00
  Your Price : Rs 1211.80
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  The author reveals that on the termination, in May 1799, of the last English war with Mysore, and the restoration of the Hindu Raj, which followed, it was resolved by the East India Company to obtain a topographical survey and general statistical account of the Territories that, for many years preceding, had been the scene of political events which attracted a large measure of attention not only in India and the East, but also in England, France, and other European countries. And Mysore in the interval has undergone such great and radical changes, and so much has been added to our knowledge of its past by recent discoveries. Most parts of the sections on Flora, Fauna and Ethnography have been entirely r-written in accordance with the latest information. So also, in an especial manner, the chapters on History and Literature: the former having been greatly added to in both the most ancient and the most modern periods; while the latter is almost entirely new. The chapter on Administration has been revised throughout and brought up to date with as much fullness as could be done in the space at disposal. The Appendix on Coins is mostly new. In the second volume, there has been a close and general revision of local details, the topical changes of recent years having been both frequent and extensive. In the Glossary at the end have been included new terms of the Revenue Survey. Some monographs drawn up by officers of the Mysore Commission soon after the assumption of the Government by the British in 1831. This two volumes book is an indispensable one in the context of the subject.

ISBN : 9788121248556

Pages : 878
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