The author was a Dutchman who travelled to the East-Indias from 1619 to 1625. His East Indian voyage was one of the most popular of the numerous adventure books in which the Dutch seventeenth century public delighted. It appeared at Hoorn in 1646, more than twenty years after the events related; in the next few years over a dozen piratical editions were brought out in various Dutch towns. All through the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it continued to be reprinted. The writer’s name became part of the Dutch language, and “een reis van Bontekoe” is still a common expression to denote a journey with more than its due share of accidents. This is a journey which took him to various places in the Indonesian Island, Macau, China, and Taiwan. Written in a light and lively style this book is the journal kept by him during his journey. That time being the Java of the spread of colonies, he was witness to a fair number of naval and land operation which he does not miss to describe. It contains a portrait and ten illustrations to delineate the subject properly.
ISBN : 9788121237789
Pages : 191