menopause among the rural women, though India is one of the signatories to the plan of action of the ICPD (1994) Cairo conference. So far, emphasis of the reproductive health programs has been only on mother and child health. Rarely do we find consideration having been given to the gynecological issues. It is in this context that our empirical micro-level research on menopause using multiple methodologies, integrating qualitative and quantitative techniques, gains significance. Also, in spite of repeated recommendations made by the WHO, there is no uniform and clear terminology to define various phases of menopause. We have tried to fill this gap by conducting an ethnographic study in rural north Karnataka. This work focuses on various issues of menopause as age at menopause, timing of menopause, menopausal phases, menopause symptoms and their management, and after-effects of menopause. In fine this research attempts to make a significant contribution towards advancing our knowledge in understanding different aspects of menopause.