The book entitled “Innovations in Teaching and Learning, Research Methodologies and Project Management in Higher Education” deals with higher education system, teaching and learning in higher education system, innovations in integrated model of higher education system, innovations in academia and industry interaction, innovations in research methodologies, innovations in project management and field training. The book will be useful for the teachers and students who are engaged in teaching and learning, research and development and writing projects and want to improve their study and learning skills as per the guidelines of the statutory bodies. The learning skills which are suitable today may not be appropriate tomorrow. Most likely, the learning skills in the near future are going to be dominated by (1) technological innovations (use of digital resources including innovations), (2) critical thinking (building new solutions through novel combination of given information) and (3) research (what and how people are willing to learn). The institutions have to realize that if students can`t learn the way we teach, we should teach them the way they learn. This in turn requires good teaching, reading, learning, writing and presentation skills. The author would welcome the observations from the readers for its improvement.