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  Information Technology

Information Technology

by S.L. Sah

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 722.70
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  Information Technology is the synthesis of computer and communication networks. If information technology is the brain of hitech industry, telecom is the heart. The reach and power of telecom and IT outpace politics and even geographical boundaries. World Wide Web spans, across space and time to put cybersurfers in contact with each other. India is the sixth largest exporters of computer software in the world. There are about 200,000 IT professionals in India today. This book covers the development of computers and communication systems in India and abroad. New frontiers of Information Technology have been described elaborately. One chapter on information theory has been included so that the reader will have better understanding about signal detection and processing in presence of noise. To make the book interesting, the “News in Focus” and glossary of technical words are included in the Appendix. Addresses of vendors will help the customers to get the required information easily. This book will be helpful in generating innovative ideas in the field of Information Technology. It will be very suitable for students, engineers, scientists, planners, Universities, and Organisations and Institutions engaged in IT Industry.

ISBN : 9788121206013

Pages : 348
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