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  History of The Indian Mutiny, 1857-1858

History Of The Indian Mutiny, 1857-1858

by G. B. Malleson

  Price : Rs 2760.00
  Your Price : Rs 2014.80
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  This authoritative and exhaustively researched 3 volume work gives a narrative of the Revolt of 1857, reviewed and illustrated from original documents. The author was the Keeper of the Archives (then known as the Imperial Record Department), and had access to all sorts of documents, narratives, treaties, archives, both British and Indian. The three volumes have been divided chronologically, and details all the main players, and events, major and minor, of the Revolt. The 1st volume notices the early signs, the outbreak in Delhi and Meerut, the capture of Delhi, the siege, the arrival of the moveable column, the recapture of Delhi by the British, the annexation of Oude, first signs in Lucknow, the battle of Chinhut, siege of Lucknow, Cawnpore, Banaras, Allahabad, the massacre at Cawnpore, etc This volume has 18 illustrations and 5 maps. Volume 2nd describes Havelock’s succor of the Lucknow Residency, the second defense, the relief, Alum Baug, capture of Lucknow. This volume has 11 illustrations and 1 map. The 3rd volume details : the campaign in central India, Rohilcund, western Bihar, Arrah, suppression of the Revolt, the final campaign in Oude. This volume has 10 illustrations and 5 maps. `Vol. 1: Siege of Delhi, defence of the residency at Lucknow, The story of Cawnpore, Havelock’s campaign Vol. 2: Havelock’s succour of the Residency, The second Defence Relief by Sir Colin Campell, Outram’s defence of the Alum Bagh Siege and Capture of Lucknow. Vol. 3.The Campaign in Central India, The Rebellion in Rohilcund, Mutiny in Western Behar, Seige and relief of Arrah, Suppression of Mutiny in Behar, The final Campaign in Oudh, Pursuit of Tantia Topee. Includes Indexes.This set is a reprint of the 1904 edition

ISBN : 9788121249126

Pages : 686
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