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  Customs of India: Customs, Manners, Rituals

Customs Of India: Customs, Manners, Rituals

by Gopal Bhargava

  Price : Rs 7200.00
  Your Price : Rs 5256.00
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  Custom of IndiaCustoms of India` is a monumental publication. It is a six-volumes bouquet presenting the customs, manners, rituals their origins, features and characteristics. India has a 5000-years old culture comprising of so many religions, faiths, castes, communities, languages, rites and rituals from birth to death and even after. These six volumes tell all about conception, birth, puberty, betrothal, marriage, social customs, cremation and burial.Customs are the core ingredients of any nation`s culture. India is a mosaic of so may customs shaped over many millennia. They form the striving force of our day to day existence. They are also derived by our faith and in turn help us in living a meaningful life.Though the volumes have been divided into south, west, central, north, east and north-eastern regions but there is a commonality called Indian nation. The contents of the six volumes have been retained the same because the yardstick to understand and explain the parameters of the customs are similar.Though it is a work of anthropology but it is equally useful for research scholars, social scientists, teachers, students and journalists.Volume 1. South, Volume 2. West, Volume 3. Central, Volume 4. North, Volume 5. East, Volume 6. North-Eastern.

ISBN : 9788182055247

Pages : 2415
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